You may have won this time, but I'll be back!

The journey has been lengthy, full of peaks and valleys, yet here I stand on the other side of my first showing.  Granted it was small, but the costume was not.  I spent a good deal of the event walking sideways. Still I wouldn't trade it!

Sadly, I didn't place, but I am honored to lose to the second-place contestant (See picture below).  How she didn't win it all, I don't know.  First place wasn't bad, but I love a homemade costume and I wasn't sure if his was or not.

This experience taught me a lot.  Yes, the construction, but also the joy it can bring to other people, not just the person wearing the costume.  I was thrilled that people wanted to take a picture of my outfit, the looks were fun, but what floored me were the kids that enjoyed it.  I only scared one little boy and he's fine.  However, the highlight was a little girl about 4 or 5; she came up to me dressed as Belle and said 'I love your dress, it sparkles.'  She giggled, I said thank you, I love your dress too!  She giggled again and ran off, that was awesome.  That was better than winning; she had no idea who I was supposed to be and didn't need to, because sparkles!  So little Belle, girl you are going places!  I crown thee, a Villaness in Training.

With this show done I'll take my various views from pictures and improve the overall look and then start working on zombie version for the Zombie Walk.  I've already made the pattern and overall design, look forward to even more Minion Mondays!

PS - I promise better pictures later, the lighting at the venue was a harsh, it gave everything a yellow tint.  I am going to have some fun one taken when the leaves change color.

#Cosplay #Rocketman #MinionMonday #EltonJohn


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