Progress Report

It's a common occurrence in the online word to do Work in Progress (WIP) Wednesday, now don't think I am knocking this tradition, I just haven't thought of a cute acronym for it yet.  I was thinking maybe Minion Monday?  A minion progress report, but it's Tuesday so I either have to wait another week to post an update or come up with another name.  Thus the generic 'Progress Report' title today, just don't be surprise when I change the name.

On with the show kids, I am elbow deep in rhinestones and Gem-tac!  This weekend I tackled the next part of my Rocketman cosplay/Halloween costume.  With only a couple hours to spare, I finished the dress construction (I'd give it a C, I wish the library group would have worked out so I could have learned how to do it properly).  Nineties weekend began at 5pm and I was ready to jam and gem!

Day one - step one, buy new glue.  Turns out the glue I had planned on using wasn't going to cut it for such a large scale project, to the craft store!!!  Do you know how many kinds of glue there are in there?  I was left feeling like the sun might go down on me while I was in the store!  Finally, I just grab one that said gem and fabric, used my 40% off coupon because villains never pay retail.

The next four hours were gluetastic, this was my progress at the end of day one.

Day two it was time to get serious, I had 90's music and nothing but time. It went better than day two but still not cutting it, doubt about my deadline creeping in.  12 hours later and this is what I had, I knew I'd have to take a lot of breaks for neck and back but, man.

Day three I was going to buckle down, another 12 hours.  I started mapping out the skirt and applying the outline.  I was optimistic that I'd get the entire right side done.  It pains me to admit that now, so naive. 

Day four there is no way I am finishing this skirt this weekend reality hits me, I was hopeful to get at least this side done.  *Insert hindsight laughter*  Upside, I did find my groove, it was of the heart and it was great. 

Sadly I didn't finish even this side but I confident another weekend and I'll have it all done.  *fingers crossed*  This is whats left of the right side and then I have to do a small flame outline and all on the left side.

I'll spend about an hour each day this week on it and whatever time I need this weekend, but I really need to have it done this weekend.  I added some extra time into my planning for things to go wrong, but I am less than two weeks till the con so it has to get done.  I also still have to finish the wings but because of the delicate nature, they have to be last so it's crunch time over here!

Wish me luck!!

In the works - I have a 'don't be a bummer' post stewing and Minion Report Monday?  MRM?


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